More than you think you need, love. Some creatives are inspired by nature. They look at a stunning sunset, the purples and blues and reds layering the sky, or fluffy golden ducklings following their mama. Then they break out their paintbrushes and knock out something wonderful of their own, or get out their computers and unleash a torrent of words, carpal tunnel syndrome be damned. I do not get inspired by sceneries. I like them, mind you. I think cityscapes are awesome. Sometimes on my walks home I get giddy with delight, staring at the dreamlike radiance of the full yellow moon establishing its presence in the dark sky. But beyond the immediate beauty, nature doesn’t trigger me to make anything of my own. What gets my creative juices flowing is other people’s creative work. Reading a good book. Watching a complex movie, or the occasional speculative fiction series. Good books capture all my senses, no kidding. My eyes actively see, not the words I’m reading, but the moving images
Reader | Writer | Recovering Procrastinator