Joseph’s story is undoubtedly one of the most moving tales ever. For my roasted plantain loving friends unfamiliar with it, I shall attempt to reproduce a short version of the story’s first half without sounding like a CRS class. (We’ll take a broken down, closer view soon, I promise.) Joseph was born to Jacob, when Jacob was already very old. Joseph was also the son of Rachel, the one among Jacob’s wives and concubines that he actually loved, who’d been childless till then. Naturally, that gave Young Joe brownie points in his father’s eyes. Now brownie points would be no problem had Joe been an only son, but he had ten older brothers who felt cheated of their father’s love. It doesn’t end there. Because Joe was a godly, obedient kid, possibly the most obedient of his father’s children, Jacob had him check his brothers for bad behavior when they sent the sheep out to graze. His brothers could not get over being supervised by their youngest brother, and have him tell on them ...
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