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Showing posts from October, 2015

FreeWill vs FreeDom

Christianity is weird. There, it’s out. And I don’t mean the Sunday ritual of going to church, because we know that stuff is nothing more than a display. I’m not talking religion either. That is rigid, full of rules and has absolutely no joy in it. I’m talking living with Jesus Christ at the center of your life. That one is a little strange. The point of Christianity is to follow Jesus. Following Jesus means turning from my selfish ways and taking up my cross (Matthew 16:24). Following Jesus means refusing to be conformed to this world, and instead being transformed by the renewal of my mind (Romans 12:2). Following Jesus means letting go the reins of my life and trusting God to lead me where He wants. Sounds technical, doesn’t it? Let’s break it down: If I follow Jesus, I serve Him. He is my master. Everything He tells me to do, I do! That’s…scary, isn’t it? Yes. It is. I’m born with free will. A mind of my own. So, okay, I’ve accepted Christ. Still I know what c...