Some my role model bi who may or may not have had first class says I can’t not hype things. It’s not my fault la. I discovered Frayed Jacket, and if you haven’t been there, it’s only because you haven’t had the data, and you’re forgiven. Monsieur Frayed writes with a candidness that’s almost uncomfortable. I suppose it’s because some of us like to live in a one-dimensional space, in some pink bubble, oblivious to what goes on within the blurred lines. And he doesn’t. And he writes it, raw and true, and painfully relatable. Reminds me of something I read about how writers must embrace pain and ugliness instead of running away from it. Oh, and he’s a really good writer. Makes you wonder how much longer you’re going to have to live before you get to where he’s at. * P.S. The following is definitely a musical if you read it with Christopher Plummer’s voice in the back of your mind. Or Joey B. Or, somebody. The following is also what happens when you’re neither a poet nor...
Reader | Writer | Recovering Procrastinator