I promise when I typed this blog’s URL into the address box, cobwebs popped up. It’s been that long since I even opened it. In an effort to avoid harping on about my inconsistency, I advise you to check out Amma Konadu (if you haven’t already) when you have the time. * (PS Before you go to church, pray for a message. Pray that God will speak to you so distinctly you can’t miss it, because the point of going to church is to connect with God. And He will speak to you.) Today’s sermon was hard. Eish . It was titled ‘Be Committed to Your Call,’ which I renamed ‘Do Not Be Derailed.’ I’ll try to compress it into bite-size chunks. To be derailed is, well, to go off your rails. A train is supposed to move on its rails, and if it goes off its rail tracks it stops moving or may flip over. Every Christian is called to do the work of God. Some way or other, we’re supposed to lead people to Christ. But it’s insanely easy to get derailed in the cause of your work. Of course...
Reader | Writer | Recovering Procrastinator