Hey, happy end of decade. If you’re looking for a great way to keep up your Christian walk, check out Nabiy Hill . It’s an awesome place to find Bible truths retold in a super-simplified way. * The Emergency Mom Handbook 1. Turn on the radio. Wipe down the kitchen counter. Get lost in the sultry tunes of slow jazz. Let the subtle rays of late afternoon sunshine warm you through the open window, while you shut your eyes and inhale, letting your sense of smell tell you if the chicken is ready for plating. 2. Open your eyes. Pout. 3. Remember: You never turned on the music because, let’s be real, who still listens to jazz? The chicken is on the stove, yeah, but it never started browning, because you can’t find the lighter, and can’t be bothered to go retro and use matchsticks. 4. Hit your head against the overhead cabinet because you’re not Martha freaking Stewart. 5. Believe the hyper...
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