If you like to read personal entries and short fiction, visit Ama Tuffet’s blog . She doesn’t post much now – unfortunately – , but the old stuff is still there, complete with cool aesthetics and contributions from other writers. * The Audacity of Comfort ‘Right.’ Zeinab drops her yellow tote on the table, then lowers her rear into the swivel chair. One hand sweeps thick brown tresses from off her face to a vague point behind her ear. Elbows on the table, she links her fingers and props her chin on them, then emits the longsuffering sigh of a busy person confronted with a full diaper. ‘From where I stand – ’ ‘You’re sitting,’ Martha says, two wrinkled fingers flipping the page of her weighty hardcover. ‘Well, metaphorically,’ Zeinab says in utmost calm, quelling the words that originally threatened to spill – this is an older woman, after all, and it’s too early in the day to invite curses upon her life. ‘The way I look at it, this case is as cut and dried as t...
Reader | Writer | Recovering Procrastinator