Photo Credit: Filip Mroz, Unsplash. I may have a bit of a problem. When I decided to stop liking football (because I have a really fragile heart; I don’t understand how I can start liking a team and after they’ve won a few times they just start to flop like mad), I replaced my source of pain with tennis. Tennis has not been much better. My greatest heartbreak came in 2021 (and I will not elaborate), but at least it taught me to just like the game, and not care about the players. I mean, I still care about the players. But if the one I’m rooting for doesn’t win, I move on. I genuinely just shrug, go, ‘And so? Mchew,’ and eat whatever I was eating before I saw the news. But tennis is fun. When I started following it, like, really following it, it awed me to think that pretty much every week, except for slam weeks, there could be up to five tournaments going on. Players would start the year on hardcourts in New Zealand and Australia, transition to hardcourts and cl...
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