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Temporary Head Damage...

You know that scene in Wanted where Angelina Jolie’s character is standing on a train, and she ducks just before it goes under an overhead bridge? Cool, no? I’ve been wanting to do something like that. Mm-hmmmmmm.

This actually doesn’t have anything to do with Angelina Jolie or Wanted. I was going to write something sensible, to prove that I can defy all the pre-exam pressure and blog myself to happiness like the rock star that I think I am. Apparently that’s a little too high for me. I’m reeling from the after-effects of dumsor, sleeplessness and about a million hours of IAs (because what you heard is true. Teachers are mean.). Oh, why? Because of one degree. Do they want to kill us? Are they being altruistic and saving us the hustle of job hunting?


And now I may have THD, or Temporary Head Damage. At least it’s not PHD, or Permanent Head Damage, but if they don’t stop driving us like then times slaves eh, hm.

Plus I’ve also just come away from a sort of interrogation. Apparently something I did very casually ‘entered’ some people paa, and I’ve just been trying to clear my pretty name. Hm. This life. Gets me all philosophical. ßAutocorrect just changed that.

I’m beat, but just so no one will say I can’t stick to my own rule of delivering every Friday, I’ll post this…thing. (I mean, technically, this is a blog post.)

Thank you to all my commenters. I can’t say how grateful I am to Sis Nancy, Mizvee, AK, Mawuena, Dzidzor…oh, who am I missing?...Bethel, Dela, Michael, Maame Adjoa…thank you all so much. I’m always happy to see your comments. You make me happy.

And to everyone who’s ever shared my blog/ post on their Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Whatsapp, wherever, word of mouth, thank you thank you. And all the ghost readers, thanks. You bloat my page views. But someday leave a comment. Even if it’s just an insult you leave kraa let your name be on my page. (If you leave an insult eh…)

And to all those who make staunch promises that they’ll comment and don’t…

I’m hungry oh. And tired. I should sleep. And eat. Not necessarily in that order. Maybe together. (Ei. I’m typing mistakes papa. If it ends up looking sensible then I owe it to Microsoft Word Spellcheck.) Just so this isn’t so short, and…utterly pointless, I’ll leave you with the awesome guys I spent Christmas with. I know, maybe the timing’s a little off, but some of us have eternal Christmas of the mind. So there.

Ei wait when I was coming home I saw this signboard that said something like ‘Best Art,’ or ‘Great Art,’…something that was a superlative, very extreme. And next to it was this drawing. I looked at the drawing, then at the signboard again, and could only think, ‘Have our standards really fallen that low?’

There was something else too… ahh, yes. I was supposed to be learning today and I ended up reading some story I’d written a while ago. (No, Becky, I’ve not changed.) Rather enjoyed it. And after the paper I continued with a Stephen King. Don’t read Stephen King. He’s very…twisted. Only similar minds can enjoy his work. I’m not calling myself a similar mind, but…don’t read it.

Okay. I’m going. Chelsea and United meet tomorrow. (Wow. I actually wrote Chelse a and Untied meat tomorrow.) It’s one of those events I wish I could just sleep through, being both a Chelsea and United sympathizer.

Ah, the world is an unfair place.

Alright. I’m out. Don’t want THD becoming PHD.

Someone owes me chocolate. Just saying.

If this is your first time reading this blog, well…don’t judge me. I’m often lucid.

P.S. if there are no typos, I owe it all to Autocorrect. If there are typos, remember this: I love you. If there are typos and wrong sentence structures, I…really, now. I can’t love you anymore than I already do. Just go with it. 

You too spend your Christmas with them some. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Herh.... I bore plus you.... You forgot to hala me and you sympathize with 2 teams I hate(not dislike oo.... HATE)

    1. Oh @ Senyo I hala you hala you hala you! Buh you... Chelsea and United are both sitting prettier on the league table than your Liverpool ohh...

  3. You. Mad 'un. I finally commented. Yay!


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