Cain liked his younger brother. He really did. Seriously. Abel was so…different. He was so innocent, too innocent for this world, Cain reckoned. He looked at the world through rose-coloured lenses, saw beauty where there was none, thought there was good in everyone. He didn’t believe in vengeance, no matter how petty it was, like hitting back when someone punched him. To him people needed to be loved, and forgiven, not given a black eye for a black eye. Seriously . Who thought like that? Cain shook his head, giving his hands the temporary job of playing with the waistband of his garment. Right now Abel must’ve been gliding on air for all the joy he radiated, excited and chattering and talking some gibberish he must have considered boy-talk. Seriously . Abel had to be living in some eternal paradise of the mind. Too bad it was all gonna end. Soon. Because, much as he liked his younger brother, Cain could not quench the hate he had started to feel for Abel since the sacr...
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