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Showing posts from August, 2015

His Brother's Keeper

Cain liked his younger brother. He really did. Seriously. Abel was so…different. He was so innocent, too innocent for this world, Cain reckoned. He looked at the world through rose-coloured lenses, saw beauty where there was none, thought there was good in everyone. He didn’t believe in vengeance, no matter how petty it was, like hitting back when someone punched him. To him people needed to be loved, and forgiven, not given a black eye for a black eye. Seriously . Who thought like that? Cain shook his head, giving his hands the temporary job of playing with the waistband of his garment. Right now Abel must’ve been gliding on air for all the joy he radiated, excited and chattering and talking some gibberish he must have considered boy-talk. Seriously . Abel had to be living in some eternal paradise of the mind. Too bad it was all gonna end. Soon. Because, much as he liked his younger brother, Cain could not quench the hate he had started to feel for Abel since the sacr...

Call it 'The Best League in the World!'

The English Premier League starts again today. Yay. Oh, well. After waiting for it most impatiently (since June, when the Golden State Warriors broke a forty year jinx to win the NBA trophy against the all-LeBron Cavaliers, and there was no other league I got to follow), it’s come back and I don’t feel as much excitement as loads of people I’ve come across. Not that I blame the league, though. There are times I’ve felt such extreme hunger for such a long time that when I finally got my eyes—and hands—on some food, I had no appetite to deal with it. I’m positive I’ll catch the fever soon enough. I mean, there is so much to look forward to, considering this year’s pre-season drama. (Congrats, Wenger. You are proof that every dog has its day.) I do try to remain neutral, though. Try, because I still sympathize with Manchester United and Chelsea, having supported them both in the past (and simultaneously at one time, even), one boasting my face of Gillette Juan Mata, and the ...

Genie in a Bottle

I just watched a weird advert. Two ads, actually. The first was an ad for ‘water’ that is supposed to solve all problems. No, not the regular water problem of thirst, but specific annoyances, of people owing you money and refusing to pay, and other possibilities within that region. It looks like what you do is write your problem on paper, dribble some of the water on the folded paper, give it a few days, and your problem will be solved. The person that owes you will pay. That person telling lies against you will stop. This magic water comes in a box with a picture of a cross on one side and another of a ‘man of God,’ and ‘Jesus’ was mentioned a number of times, so I figure it’s supposed to be Christian. Another had to follow it. It was another ‘man of God,’ this time advertising his church, his powers. In essence, he was a bundle of miracles. He could solve every known problem on earth. Want a promotion? He’s your guy. And, he cures AIDS which has been given you by the enemy. ...